NCST launches National Innovation Portal

  • Dec, Fri, 2024
  • 0

National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) has unveiled the national innovation portal with funding from the United Nations Development Commission (UNDP).

The innovation portal has been designed to provide a platform for innovators to interact with industry leaders, source funding and find solutions to creative problems.

Secretary for Education, Mangani Katundu, said the digital platform is crucial, as it will provide innovators a chance to showcase their talents to the rest of the world and find necessary support.

Katundu also praised NCST and UNDP for their joint efforts, which he believes will help in achieving the Malawi 2063 with innovation being a key enabler.

Director General for the NCST, Gift Kadzamira, expressed hope with the platform, saying resources from the national innovation fund were not enough and the portal will give a chance to innovators to interact with industry captains for direct funding and training.

Deputy Country Representative for UNDP, Challa Getachew, described the portal as essential, as all innovations will be accommodated in one space.

Getachew said this will also give a chance to both the government and the private sector to make informed decisions on what innovations are relevant in achieving the Malawi 2063 and the sustainable development goals.